View Profile


First and last name

Michael Doherty

What's your location?

Preston, UK

At what organization are you currently based?

Lancashire Law School, UCLan

Show off your work! Present yourself through one of your projects

A blog post and slide presentation on the tenant’s right design project


Tell us a little about the work you just shared, so we understand how to present it to the community.

The tenant’s rights project outlined above was my first foray into legal design. It grew from a project I undertook around eight years ago on geographically mapping legally interesting places that led me to become interested in ways of communicating law that did not rely solely on text or talk.

I’ve learnt a lot since that tenant’s rights project on appropriate design methodologies (e.g. I would have done much more UX research), and find that design thinking opens up a lot of space to rethink what I do as a teacher and a researcher.

Where can people learn more about you?
